Friday, November 6, 2009

Feeling less than fabulous?

I have compiled a list of things that really help bring me out of a bad mood. No one like to be around a debbie downer, let alone be one themselves!
1. Take a hot bath. Its cold out now, and nothing warms you up quite like a hot bath. go to Winners (for those with more expensive taste head to Chintz and Co. downtown and buy Goldleaf soap Dree would say, DIVINE!) and get yourself some chi chi bubble bath and soak in the tub for a half an hour. I know it sounds pretty menopausal, but it truly is so relaxing. Not to mention, immersing yourself in hot water helps decrease bloating and water retention...who doesnt love feeling like a skinny bitch?
2. Babe yourself up with some maintenance. All too often we are taking care of everyone else and important things like taking care of yourself seem to fall by the way-side. Deep condition that lux mane of yours, paint your toe nails (dont forget to clean up those ravaged cuticles), pluck those eyebrows (less is more...the whole pencil thing eyebrows does nothing for anyone!)
3. Read garbage magazines. Obviously you all know they are a staple in my life because they are a nice break from reality. As well, get into fashion magazines. Everyone calls Vogue the Bible, but i beg to differ, too many adverts and not enough wearable fashion. I absolutely adore Harpers Bazaar and Elle, they are chic and very accessible.
b. rip out stuff you like and paste them into a fashion journal, it will inspire you with new ideas and help remind you of things you might want to look out for during your next trek to the mall
4. Change your sheets. Nothing feels better than hopping into some crispy fresh smelling bed linens, itll make you sleep like a kitten, I promise!
5. Lots of makeup lying around? I sure as hell do. I enjoy trying out new trends and different looks, itll inspire you to freshen up your look, and its always fun to play dress up.
6. Down in the dumps because all you do is study? I love to slap on a pair of hot stilettos while i'm studying in my room. I may be wearing sweats and have my greasy rat's nest tied up but wearing a slammin pair of shoes makes me feel a little fabulous.
7. keep a gratitude journal. it sounds cheesy, but it helps remind you of all the great things that you have in your life. dont hesitate to include things such as, "spooning with le chat", "hot new red lipstick" or "delicious oreo mcflurry with fudge". (not that those are examples of my entries...)
8. Call a girlfriend. She loves you in good times and bad and will always help to bring you out of a mood.
9. Listen to Nat King Cole. He's an oldie but a sworn staple of mine. His voice is like buttah and his songs are so gorgeous and romantic! Song suggestions include; The Very Thought of You, Stardust, L-O-V-E, Unforgettable, Love is a Many Splendored Thing
10. Consistant man troubles? Ditch the swamp donkey. You're a gorgeous and delightful creature that should really be sitting on a lily pad and you deserve someone who gets that.
11. Have a piece of chocolate or candy. Who cares if it doesnt really fit into your diet, just have a little to give you an up.
12. And finally, take some gravol or tylenol cold for night (sssssh I am not THAT MUCH of a pill popper) and go to bed early. Nothing is better than a good night sleep and its so much more pleasant than lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. LoL i love the post -- but my oh my-- gravol? don't you remember the tearful stupors that somebody you and i know used to wake up in after too many gravol before bed?

    my suggestion is valerian root capsules available at the natural food store, one of those is a nice non-hangovery non-habit forming thing to slip you gently to sleep.

    y'know, while we're advocating drugs we might as well be advocating the proper use of them. gravol is for nausea, tylenol cold is for congestion and runny nose. valerian is a sleep aid.
