Wednesday, November 11, 2009

While you could not pay me to go back to childhood again, there are certain things I miss about elementary aged life.
1)I REALLY miss the days when projects for school always included self made illustrations as well as a host of other accoutrements.I highly doubt that I would procrastinate so horrendously on my numerous assignments if I had to make a title page and borders for each page.
2) The day was done when the bell rang at 3:35, meaning you got to go home and kick it with your barbies, perhaps have a snack made for you by a nanny, have a wholesome din with the fam, watch Home Improvement and then call it an early night (730 to be exact) and hit the sack
3) Not worrying about the future so much. It is so surreal that I am 23. Back when I was 6 or 7 I thought I'd have it made by 18 ie purple jeep and a husband (ok ok I was a bit of an odd bird)
4) Having your mum/nanny do your hurr for special occasions. I rocked the mushroom cut (whats wrong with a little wash and wear ?) for most of my childhood, but for special occasions I got the mousse and GIANT bow treatment which I lived for
5) While I am still openly obsessed with the Christmas season, back in the day the excitement on Christmas morning almost always put me into a pseudo epileptic state. It just isnt as fun when your stocking is stuffed with tampons, razors and chocolate...thanks mum?
6) bitchin toys. Nowadays, if i want something I just go to the mall and pick 'er up (minus the chanel 5.0 quilted purse...fuck Im bitter about that) but I remember spendin many a nights scheming how to convince my parents that I absolutely needed, wanted, couldnt live without the newest kitty kitty kitty (you remeber, those furry kitten stuffed animals that made the awkward purring sound)
7) Vacations. It seems like once you hit university and even after you graduate you have the built in guilt that you should be doing something with your time instead of schlepping around watching t.v. and eating those little chocolate bars left over from halloween. It was so fun just lounging guilt free in your feetie pyjamas all day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Feeling less than fabulous?

I have compiled a list of things that really help bring me out of a bad mood. No one like to be around a debbie downer, let alone be one themselves!
1. Take a hot bath. Its cold out now, and nothing warms you up quite like a hot bath. go to Winners (for those with more expensive taste head to Chintz and Co. downtown and buy Goldleaf soap Dree would say, DIVINE!) and get yourself some chi chi bubble bath and soak in the tub for a half an hour. I know it sounds pretty menopausal, but it truly is so relaxing. Not to mention, immersing yourself in hot water helps decrease bloating and water retention...who doesnt love feeling like a skinny bitch?
2. Babe yourself up with some maintenance. All too often we are taking care of everyone else and important things like taking care of yourself seem to fall by the way-side. Deep condition that lux mane of yours, paint your toe nails (dont forget to clean up those ravaged cuticles), pluck those eyebrows (less is more...the whole pencil thing eyebrows does nothing for anyone!)
3. Read garbage magazines. Obviously you all know they are a staple in my life because they are a nice break from reality. As well, get into fashion magazines. Everyone calls Vogue the Bible, but i beg to differ, too many adverts and not enough wearable fashion. I absolutely adore Harpers Bazaar and Elle, they are chic and very accessible.
b. rip out stuff you like and paste them into a fashion journal, it will inspire you with new ideas and help remind you of things you might want to look out for during your next trek to the mall
4. Change your sheets. Nothing feels better than hopping into some crispy fresh smelling bed linens, itll make you sleep like a kitten, I promise!
5. Lots of makeup lying around? I sure as hell do. I enjoy trying out new trends and different looks, itll inspire you to freshen up your look, and its always fun to play dress up.
6. Down in the dumps because all you do is study? I love to slap on a pair of hot stilettos while i'm studying in my room. I may be wearing sweats and have my greasy rat's nest tied up but wearing a slammin pair of shoes makes me feel a little fabulous.
7. keep a gratitude journal. it sounds cheesy, but it helps remind you of all the great things that you have in your life. dont hesitate to include things such as, "spooning with le chat", "hot new red lipstick" or "delicious oreo mcflurry with fudge". (not that those are examples of my entries...)
8. Call a girlfriend. She loves you in good times and bad and will always help to bring you out of a mood.
9. Listen to Nat King Cole. He's an oldie but a sworn staple of mine. His voice is like buttah and his songs are so gorgeous and romantic! Song suggestions include; The Very Thought of You, Stardust, L-O-V-E, Unforgettable, Love is a Many Splendored Thing
10. Consistant man troubles? Ditch the swamp donkey. You're a gorgeous and delightful creature that should really be sitting on a lily pad and you deserve someone who gets that.
11. Have a piece of chocolate or candy. Who cares if it doesnt really fit into your diet, just have a little to give you an up.
12. And finally, take some gravol or tylenol cold for night (sssssh I am not THAT MUCH of a pill popper) and go to bed early. Nothing is better than a good night sleep and its so much more pleasant than lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Girl's Girl

All too often we (the chickies) seem to be against each other and unnecessarily competitive. As most of you know, I am a faithful girl's girl and always try and root for my fellow femme fatale.
I think the most obvious example would be the typical scene of a girl entering a party/restaurant/bar wearing something perhaps a little risque and the automatic reactions from other women is "what a slut" or "there must have been a sale at tramps incorporated", and while I wont negate the fact that such a comment sometimes is warranted (ie pleather skirt almost having the cucina peeking out), often those comments are only due to jealousy. If a girl looks bangin, it makes you look so much classier to compliment maybe her gorgeous shoes or sexy barracuda hair. Not only will it make you look secure in yourself (especially in front of the gents) but it also puts positive energy into the universe.
Another significant point I'd like to touch on is the boyfriend recycling program. While it is certainly acceptable to have an oscar winning performance flip out (think Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof) if one of your besties decides to go on a date with a man that broke your heart a week ago. But if you dated the dude ages ago and it just didnt work out and your friend likes him, MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR HER!! One woman's trash is another woman's treasure. We arent dogs and you didnt piss on him (at least I hope you didnt) therefore making him your territory. Share the love ladies!
A few weeks ago I had an interview at the University Hospital and I was all dolled up in a cute blue sheath dress with posh pleated capped sleeves. Anyway, after the interview I took a little trip to the loo and ended up tucking my adorable little dress into my tights. OH THE HORROR...God bless opaque tights...too bad i was wearing bright pink hello kitty panties that still radiated through! I then proceeded to walk to the library (which is about a block from the hospital) and no one stopped me to tell me about my little fashion mishap. Thank goodness I dont take myself too seriously, and found it quite amusing but its a perfect example of a situation where you stop me and tell me that while my little panties are quite adorable, they should be saved for the boudoire. Same goes in a restaurant bathroom when you see a clueless girl with spinach in her teeth. What if she is on a date with the man of her dreams, do you really want her to live the embarassment of her little mishap for the rest of her life with Mr. Perfect? I know you wouldnt!
We are all in this together, and life is so much better if we support each other. Obviously, I've kissed a few frogs in my lifetime (and they didnt turn into any sort of royalty) and it has certainly made me appreciate the consistancy that my girlfriends bring. Nothing is better than a shopping with one of your girls who will tell you when your outfit is less than amazing, laugh with you until you cry, dance the night away and all that special girl time no man can give you. Love you girls and remember we're all on the same team!! xxL

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ok it is. While everyone else is running around terrified of the dreaded swine flu, I've been concerned with more pressing matters. Namely, the atrocious clothing of the young people of Edmonton. "Hey BITCH", you loudly yell at my blog "I dont care what you think, school is for learning not for looking like a stylista!" You are correct that the University is a learning environment, but that is no excuse for looking like a total schlep.
Here is a tentative list of fashion crimes thou shalt not commit if thee wishes to stay my friend;
1. Full makeup and hair (typically stiff with spray gel) combined with velour track suit and garish crucifix endornments...heinous
2. People who wear lu lu lemon pants ALL THE TIME yet have never worked out a day in their life... you cant put 10 lbs of sugar in a 5 lb bag. need i say more?
3. girls that are unable to walk in the heels they wear. I truly adore watching you awkwardly slide down hub mall with a look of sheer terror on your face. A cute pair of flats are much more practical, not to mention you wont need to constantly worry that your daddy's insurance wont cover the caps for your front teeth you are going to smash out falling down all because of those cheap looking pleather stilts you got at Spring/Stiches etc
4. Uggs are only allowed in January when its hideously cold and its the only thing warm enough. They dont look cute paired with a jean skirt and big hoop earrngs, give it up....that was cool for like a second 5 years ago. they just look like baked potatoes on your feet.
5. Dont dress like a whore (grant macewan transfers (ie those with 4 inches of foundation on and bump it strategically placed on hair), you know who you are). This includes belly baring tops, low cut jeans cutting off your hip meat and horrendously short skirts in the midst of winter...ever heard of opaque tights?
6. Ed Hardy ANYTHING. As I swallow back the chunks and spew rising up in my esophagus I beg you, dont do it! Those garish diamante encrusted tiger jumping through a flame into a skull were never chic or cool.
Perhaps the most delightful thing I've ever laid eyes on is the sight of animals sleeping. It's hideously adorable and oddly peace inducing.
I promise to work on something more interesting for my next posting.